Stage 1: Set a crystal-clear holistic goal and vision 

Stage 2: Light-up your energetic make-up, and how you're perceived by others. 

Stage 3: Explore the impactful steps you can take to propel forward. 

Stage 4: Analyse what is blocking you from moving forward

Stage 5: Immediately apply what we have learned, and, follow-up with reinforcing practice

Stage 6: Continuous coaching to sustain the new patterns, until settled.

Strategic Action

Starting the experiential learning cycle.

To identify what strategic steps to take, we'll delve into what's currently impacting you—whether it's a barrier or a driving force. The exploration of the six influencers plays a pivotal role in this stage.

Throughout the process,  particularly in Stage 3, we'll delve into identifying the key influencers in your life and empowering you to take charge.

The 6 Influencers

The six areas of influence that impact our energy include:

Coaching + Facilitation

Stage 3 - 5: 10 sessions (an iteration with Reflection & Learning)

In this Stage, you'll experience a dynamic blend of Coaching and Facilitation.

Coaching: Expect powerful questions and purpose-built models rooted in COR.E Dynamics Coaching and Energy Leadership Coaching. This process guides you to pinpoint your key influencers and understand their implications for both your professional and personal life.

Facilitation: Through thoughtfully selected techniques inspired by Positive Psychology, Neurolinguistic Programming, Non-Violent Communication, Corporate-based Mindfulness, and Human-Centered Innovation, you'll begin to approach situations and relationships with fresh perspectives. Your trainer will provide close facilitation, ensuring a smooth and transformative journey.

At the culmination of this transformative journey, you'll depart with a rich toolbox—your companion for a lifetime. These tools aren't just for your benefit; they're yours to use and share, fostering ongoing growth and empowerment.